Monday, April 2, 2012

National Logo Re-Design: the KU Jayhawk

In this post, I wanted to write about a logo that has changed its looks over the course of time. I could've gone the route of Coca-Cola, Folgers, Gatorade, etc. but instead I opted to do something relevant to me and in the NCAA XII Championship today: The KU Jayhawk logo. The logo as we all know has grown into a symbol for any person who is a Univesity of Kansas fan and has grown up in the United States. Also what interests me is the history of the logo and the many transitions it had gone through over the past 100 years. That's right, in 1912 the first inception of the Jayhawk was created to be the symbol for the University almost 40 years after the first graduating class in 1873. The Jayhawk image was first conceived by cartoonist Henry Malloy in 1912, which was originally just a blue and yellow bird with blue boots - "used for kicking of course" ( Since then it had been revisioned several times over until we have the epic 4 color bird we have today. Consisting of red, blue, gold and a dab of white, the Jayhawk has since become a symbol of American College Basketball glory. Since the incredible game of 2008, where Chalmers made his miracle shot at the last second of the clock, that threw us into two over times and an eventual victory in the championship, the logo is nationally recognized as a symbol of Kansas sports and popular culture. All information was received from KU Athletics Website and of course, the Jayhawk image history:

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